O my God , I thank and praise you for this new day . I offer you my thoughts , words and deeds of this day. Enlighten my mind to learn something new everyday. Give me the wisdom to know what is right and the courage to stand for the truth and justice. Bless my school , Parents , teachers and friends . Help me to make this world a better place to live in. Infant Jesus pray for us . Amen.
Come Holy spirit of God and fill us with your gifts of wisdom, understanding and good memory. Enkindle in us the fire of your divine love . So that , we may be able to express/our thoughts/ and knowledge/in the best possible way. Amen
O Lord God , You are the truth and the origin of all knowledge . Bless our studies which we offer to you. Enlighten our minds , Strengthen our memories and direct our will towards what is right. Grant us to seek the truth always and make us truly wise. Amen.
Bless us , O Lord and these your gifts which we are about to receive from your bounty . Amen.
O My God , I love you , with my whole heart and above all things , I am heartily sorry for having of offended you , because you are so good . I formally resolve not to offend you any more.
Lord I thank you for this beautiful day. I thank you for the success and failure , joys and sorrows . Be with me as I journey home and help me to separate your love wherever I go . Amen.
Lord make me and instrument of your peace .
Where there is hated ,
Let me so love;
Where there is injury, pardon ;
Where there is doubt , faith ;
Where there is despair; hope;
Where there is a darkness ;light;
Where there is sadness , joy.
O Divine Master grant that
I may see not so much to be
Consoled , as the Console ;
To be understood ,as to understand ;
To be loved , as to love ;
It is in giving , that we receive
It is in Pardoning , that we are pardoned ;
And it is in dying , that we are
Born to Eternal Life . Amen.
Our Father , who art in heaven , hallowed be your name , Your kingdom come , Your will be done/on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day /our daily bread/ and forgive us our trespasses/as we forgive/ those who trespass against us/and lead us /not into temptation/but deliver us/from evil. Amen.
India is my Country/and all Indians are /my brothers and sisters. I love my Country/and I am proud/of its rich/and varied heritage. I shall always strive/ to be worthy of it. I shall give my parents/teachers/and all elders/respect/and treat everyone with courtesy. to my country/and my people/ I pledge my devotion. In their well being and prosperity alone/lies my happiness.