Rules Concerning Examination and Promotion

Fee dues are received from 1st to the 10th of every month. Fees can be paid on quarterly basis as well as monthly basis. April, July, October and January.

  • The mode of examination will be either unit wise or terminal wise.
  • No re-examination for any reason will be conducted for the students who are absent in any examination.
  • Pass mark in all subjects will be 40%.
  • Promotion will be granted on the basis of the whole year's performance of the students.
  • The management serves the right to retain or detain the student whose:-
    • Attendance is irregular.
    • Progress in studies is unsatisfactory.
    • General conduct and behavior is injurious to the common good.
    • Participation in Co curricular activities is minimal and fees payment is in arrears.
  • Honesty cleanliness of person and dress, good manners and loyalty are expected from each student. Anyone not conforming to the schools ideals in their matters may after due notice to the parents may be asked to leave the school.