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Rules & Discipline
Running playing and shouting inside the school building is not allowed
Any damage done to the school properties will have to be repaired
At the first bell i.e. 5 minutes before the assembly commences all must take, their allotted places, After the assembly the students should go in silence to their respective class rooms.
No reading materials other than their prescribed syllabus of the school should be bought into the school premises without the principal’s permission.
Students must look after their own belongings and if anything is lost the school will not be responsible
All are expected to keep up the good reputation of the school in their discipline, conduct, behavior, cleanliness etc. both in and out of the school.
The school diary should be brought to the school every day even on the examination days.
Rules Of leave from the School
Leave of absence is granted only on written application from the Parents or guardians for serious reasons. The leave must be entered on the leave record page of the school diary and must be signed by the principal before it is taken.
If a pupil is absent due to sickness, the Principal must be informed at once, in case of leave exceeding five days due to sickness the student must produce a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner.
The parents should obtain permission from the principal on written application whenever they want their children to leave the school during the school hours
leave personal engagement such as , excursions etc will not be granted.
In case students remain absent continuously for 10 days without leave application his/ her name will be struck off the rolls. They will have to get re-admitted if they wish to continue in the school with the consent of the concerned school authorities.